Magic amulets for health and luck

amulet pendants for health and good luck

When things aren't going well and it seems like the fortunes are gone, a person needs support. But no matter how hard parents and friends try, the situation does not improve. In this case, magic amulets for health and luck will help protect against trouble and give the owner confidence.

lucky charm

The tradition of putting a penny under the heel to get to the exam is well known to many. It is believed to bring good luck to the schoolboy or student. They use a coin amulet. The horseshoe hanging over the front door is also familiar to many as a way to protect their home.

types of amulets for health and luck

It is recommended to use talismans to attract good luck and in other cases:

  • by participating in sports competitions;
  • travelling;
  • in commerce;
  • during trade negotiations;
  • on a date, etc.

There are many situations in life when a person needs to protect themselves from trouble, when it is imperative to win or achieve their goal.

What amulets protect you from failure and attract success?

Stores sell talismans, which are metal pendants, bracelets, threads, pendants with stones, clay, porcelain, or wooden figurines.

Images of the overpowered grass and the 8-spoke kolovrat, the four-leaf clover, the wheel of fortune, the star Lada, the moon are Slavic symbols of happiness and luck. They are used to make pendants and patches.

The eye of the prophet, a toad with coins in its mouth, a scarab, a crocodile tooth are oriental talismans that bring prosperity.

Purchased items, as a rule, do not have magical properties, being only an interesting accessory. When buying a ready-made amulet, you can buy a negatively charged item that will not bring the desired result, but a disappointment.

Therefore, it is important to clean it from bad energy before using and charging it to achieve the desired effect. I'll show you how to do this later.

Health amulets

To protect themselves and loved ones from illnesses, people have long used amulets.

With their help it will turn out:

  • avoid infection during epidemics;
  • recover faster after serious illness or surgery;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • cleaning up the space after communicating with an unhealthy person;
  • it is easier to bear a pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby;
  • maintain clarity of mind into old age.

Health talismans are often brought on trips or purchased from local stores.

A silver bell, swaddled doll, and rodovik are Slavic health amulets that protect children from ailments, damage, and the evil eye.

Alatyr, Makosh, Ax of Perun, Seal of Veles, Dukhobor are powerful charms that protect the owner from illness, bad mood and irritability. Promote healing.

A red thread of Israel is a powerful talisman for evils. It is worn on the left wrist and a seven knot prayer is said.

red thread of israel as good luck amulet

The Tibetan Longevity Knot has a beneficial effect on health. By braiding a knot, people attract healing powers and by untwisting them they get rid of the pain.

A pair of cranes - Chinese figurines helping a patient to recover. The collection of 9 cranes offers strong protection against ailments and promotes longevity.

Jasper, agate, onyx, jade, turquoise are stones with healing properties. They have analgesic, soothing and restorative effects.

Factory-made talismans have no energy. Therefore, without establishing a connection with the owner, they will be just an unnecessary decoration.

It is important to observe the ritual of charging them with positive energy.

How to charge a purchased amulet

magic amulet in hands and charging it

To get a powerful tool that can get you out of trouble and have a positive impact on certain areas of life, you need to follow the rules:

  1. The first step is to perform a purification rite. It is a preparatory action that cancels out the energy of a thing and erases past information. I suggest using a cleansing ritual using the power of the elements. First of all, you need to bury the purchase in the ground for 3 days. The earth absorbs the energy of others well. After that, you need to hold the new thing over the candle flame, at least for a few seconds. Fire erases negative programs, damage and the evil eye. The power of the air element also has a cleaning effect. The new talisman should be hung in the open and left for a day. The last step is washed with spring or river water. If it is impossible to wet, then at least irrigation with a few drops is allowed.
  2. Pronunciation of special plots. The words are spoken on a full moon. To pronounce the amulet, it is placed on the windowsill so that the rays of moonlight fall. The plot text can be taken ready-made or written down yourself. The next morning, the talisman will be charged and can perform its protective function and help attract happiness and luck.

How to make an amulet with your own hands

Amulets made by yourself are more powerful. Universal talismans that protect everything are usually weaker and perform poorly. Therefore, before you start creating, you need to decide what role it will play.

Perhaps it was designed to protect itself from the intrigues of the wicked, to attract and keep fortune, to protect a child from evils, to preserve family happiness, to help enrich themselves. I'll tell you what you can do yourself at home.

Amulet dolls

The swaddled faceless doll is placed in the cradle for the baby and protects against injury.

swaddled doll as health amulet

It is made from old fabrics (for example, a father's or mother's shirt) while expecting a child. Traditionally, it is made without a needle or scissors.

What do you need:

  • rectangle of white fabric 8 by 12 cm;
  • one flap for a layer 15 by 12 cm;
  • a flap for a scarf;
  • Red string;
  • lace for decoration.

We twist the white fabric into a tube. We wrap with red thread an odd number of times approximately in the middle (area of the navel of the doll). The next dressing is done at the level of 1 cm from the edge (the head of the diaper), without tightening too much. We put a scarf on the head. We swaddle the doll in the remaining shred and tie it again with thread to get three crosses.

When creating the doll, you need to make sure that no one can interfere. You can do this only in a good mood and state of mind, mentally wishing health to yourself or to whomever the amulet will protect.

To achieve it you will need:

  • natural and red colored linen threads;
  • the scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • thick paper.

We wrap the threads on cardboard with a wide layer for the body, twice with a thin layer for the arms and braids. We cut the skeins on one side. We tie a big skein with a red thread to get a neck. We make mats from the rest. We thread one through the head and the second under the neck. We make the waistband and the headband with red thread.

Wax amulets

Wax amulets help to heal and recover quickly. To create them, you need natural wax candles.

We light a candle and stroking it, we think only of good things, imagining that we are perfectly healthy. The resulting pattern of a toasted candle should be placed in a small cotton or linen bag and always with you.

If the wax model breaks, it must be buried and a new one made.

Wooden talisman

The easiest way to make amulets yourself is from wood. The material can be found in a nearby park or forest. Never break the branches, use those that are resting on the ground. Do not pick up the first branch that falls, but take a closer look. Go to the tree that attracts you.

pendants with runes for good luck

I recommend making birch talismans for good luck. You can make a ring out of it and put it on when the going gets tough and you need support. Once the ring has helped it should be rinsed off with running water.

You can make brooms from birch branches with leaves wrapped in birch bark. To do this, you need to dry the branches on the street, then walk around the house, fanning all corners with them. This ritual helps to attract family well-being, success and money.

Alder, ash and oak make for good health charms. The wooden pendants with the effigy of runes have a powerful protective power. By wearing it around your neck, you don't have to worry about your health and state of mind.


Since ancient times there is a tradition of embroidering amulets for you and your loved ones. Inscriptions, symbols and patterns were created on napkins, napkins, scarves and clothes.

The color of the thread matters a lot. Red and orange help in love, red and black are used in embroidery to protect children from damage, golden blue and green patterns have a positive effect on the business.

Choosing a suitable talisman for yourself or making it yourself, it is important to follow the rules for use. You have to wear it closer to the body, without showing it to anyone. In the event of breakage, loss, or discoloration, an expensive item should be buried in the ground and thanked for service.

Magic amulets for health and luck will have more power if you believe in their magic. They will definitely help their owner if properly selected, loaded and used.